Master of Management

The Master of Management (MM) Study Program of the Faculty of Economics at UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta was officially established in 2001 through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education No: 3101/D/T/2001 dated September 26, 2001. MM is an advanced study program (S2) at the postgraduate level in the field of management. Initially, postgraduate education was organized by the university. However, over time, since 2015, the organization of postgraduate education has been handed over to the relevant faculty.

The main goal of establishing the MM program is to produce qualified professional manager candidates. As a growing educational program, the MM study program requires hard work and a long preparation period, both in terms of curriculum development and the development of educational facilities that meet Master of Business Administration (MBA) standards and industry needs. The MM curriculum development is based on meetings and discussions with various alumni. Currently, MM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta is accredited with a grade of B.

The existence of the MM program study is to equip students with competencies in the field of management. In line with the Vision of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, the Vision of the MM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Study Program is:

"To become the leading, modern, and independent Master of Management Study Program in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, grounded in Pancasila morality, the spirit of struggle, and a national perspective in support of national development."

The MM Study Program has made various adjustments in concentration specializations. The concentrations offered are Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, and Financial Management. MM introduces new concentrations, namely Operations Management and Strategic Management, to complement the concentrations offered by the specializations. With the introduction of these new concentrations, MM has covered all areas of management functions.

The Master of Management (MM) degree is obtained by completing a total of 45 credits. MM-FE UPNVY maintains relationships with its alumni through constructive interactions to support ongoing learning activities and to build a network. The learning outcomes of this program are professional managers with strong knowledge, leadership, and a willingness to always prioritize ethics in all aspects. These learning outcomes manifest in individual improvements in knowledge enrichment, changes in mindset, and positive actions toward sustainable social and environmental aspects. The goal of the PPS MM is to produce graduates who are capable of analytical, critical, and synthetic thinking and to develop soft skills so that they can compete with other postgraduates.



1) Tracer Study of Graduates