19 February 2025 – LSP Microfinance Indonesia, represented by Anita Retnani (Supervisory Board) and Agustini (Certification and IT Manager), visited the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta (UPNVY). The meeting was welcomed by Dr. Januar Eko Prasetio, M.Si, as the Dean of FEB UPNVY. This event aimed to discuss the importance of competency certification for students.
Competency certification offers significant benefits for students, particularly in the competitive job market. It serves as concrete proof of their mastery of essential skills required in the industry. The Competency Certificate issued by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) is an official recognition of an individual's work capabilities, obtained through a systematic and objective assessment or competency test. With this certification, students gain a competitive edge in securing jobs that align with their expertise.
Currently, LSP Microfinance Indonesia offers nine (9) certification schemes, namely:
- Cluster Certification for Loan Process Implementation
- Cluster Certification for Loan Risk Management
- Cluster Certification for Non-Performing Loan Resolution
- Cluster Certification for Cooperative Health Assessment
- Cluster Certification for Ultra-Micro Loan Assistance and Management
- Occupational Certification for Microfinance Institution Agency Management
- Occupational Certification for Business and Operational Executive Officers at Rural Banks (Qualification Level 5)
- Occupational Certification for Credit Officers at Rural Banks (Qualification Level 3)
- Occupational Certification for Service Officers at Rural Banks (Qualification Level 3)
It is expected that competency certification will provide graduates with a competitive advantage, not only in mastering theoretical knowledge but also in acquiring practical skills highly demanded by the professional world. Therefore, collaboration between universities, professional certification bodies, and the industry is crucial in creating an educational ecosystem that is relevant and adaptive to current needs.