Closing of the "Pendidikan Awal Bela Negara (DIKWAL)" for Lecturer and Educators of UPNVY in Air Force Academy

Yogyakarta – Dr. Hendro Widjanarko, S.E., M.M., Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Planning at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY), officially closed the Initial National Defense Education Program (DIKWAL) for 46 faculty members and educational staff. The closing ceremony was held at the Sabang Merauke Hall, Air Force Academy, on Friday (November 1, 2024).

In his remarks, Dr. Hendro Widjanarko expressed appreciation to the Air Force Academy (AAU), the organizing committee, as well as to the faculty and staff. "On behalf of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Air Force Academy for successfully training 46 of our faculty and educational staff in national defense over five days, from Monday, October 28, to Friday, November 1, 2024."

Hendro emphasized the importance of National Defense Education in his speech. “DIKWAL is not just an educational program; it is also a manifestation of our shared commitment to instill the values of patriotism and national defense. In this increasingly globalized era, we must remind ourselves of the importance of our integrity and responsibility as educators and as public servants to our nation.”

“I hope that the insights gained from this program can be applied in daily activities, both within the campus environment and in broader society. Let us work together to become agents of change who bring the spirit of national defense into every aspect of our lives,” Hendro explained.

On the same occasion, Colonel Supomo, Head of Research and Community Service at AAU, read a message of hope from the Governor of AAU, Air Marshal TNI Dr. Ir. Purwoko Aji Prabowo, M.M., MDS. “I hope that after completing this National Defense Education program, these 46 faculty and staff members from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta will become ambassadors of National Defense who actively contribute to building the nation and country. Remember, national defense is not solely the responsibility of the military; it is the duty of all Indonesian citizens.”

“In conclusion, I congratulate all participants who have completed DIKWAL. May the knowledge and experience gained serve as a foundation for continuous contributions to the nation and state,” said Colonel Supomo, delivering the message from the Governor of AAU.
